Monday 7 May 2012

When The Wife Finds Out

What happens when the wife finds out about your naughty secret; visiting a London Mistress without her knowledge? Only yesterday an email arrived from an angry partner. She says she is pregnant, separating from her partner, but that he bullies her so she must know if it is true that he has been to see me so that she has some "defence". Apparently she has read her husband's emails and found his communication with me, the "dominatrix woman". Well...where do I start? First of all I tell her that I have a strict privacy policy. I simply won't divulge the details of who has seen me and what we did within the sessions together. It would completely compromise the basic ethics of operating as a mistress in London...i.e. that there is total discretion afforded to the client as well as the domme. However, if she wishes to call me to verify the fact that I do not offer sex and therefore would not have had any sexual contact with any of my clients (whether that includes her husband or not) she is welcome to. Because, of course, let's not ignore the possibility that this is a fantasist wishing I'd blackmail him or his wife in order not to tell! So I'm awaiting that call with intrigue to find out whether a real female voice with be on the line :)

The moral of the story is this: 1) Set up a new email address for communicating with your mistress. 2) Never leave yourself logged in or delete all emails after the event. 3) Use your phone instead preferably and lock it with a passcode. 4) Look at getting one of the email account 'hiding' apps that are on offer if you use an iphone or android.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Serving Dommes From Afar by slave Bob

This article, which is fact rather than fiction, is written at the behest of the Modern Empress (ME).
Its purpose is to describe my experience of serving ME from afar, and to discuss on-line servitude in
general. A further reason I am writing, perhaps the primary reason, is to explain how I reconcile two
aspects of my personality – the aspect I present to society and my submissive side.

To give the article context I think it would be helpful to explain a little about my background. I
am a (young, I hasten to add) 61 year old, born and raised in England but I have been working
in the Middle East (another ME!) for the last five years. I am happily married to a much younger
African lady. We have no children, although I do have adult children from an earlier marriage. My
wife lives in the UK so I spend much of my time alone. I am a reasonably well balanced individual,
with a healthy and positive outlook on life. I am well educated (degree), come from a middle
class background and have worked for the UK Government for over 35 years. With three overseas
postings and various adventures, I suppose you could also say I am reasonably well-travelled.

Since my early teenage years I have been conscious of being strongly drawn to the erotically
dominant female. That attraction first surfaced from sneaking views of my father’s bedside reading
– a collection of ‘Forum’ magazines and some more BDSM orientated material. I will resist the
temptation to explore the genetic or nature vs. nurture implications of that parental connection,
despite that being a potentially fascinating field of study. It is, though, perhaps important to say
that my attraction to the dominant female, that has run like a thread through my life for almost 50
years now, has a strong sexual element. The early images that so sparked my imagination (and the
early influence was strongly visual) were ‘classic’ BDSM picture and drawings (think Robert Bishop).
Perhaps because even the 1960’s permissiveness did not stretch to BDSM my interest was ‘secret’.
To be frank, the secretive and hidden nature of BDSM was in itself an attraction and I feel something
valuable has been lost (as well as much gained) by bringing BDSM into the mainstream – what once
was spicy and exotic is now just more vanilla.

My ‘secret sexual passion’ did not find tangible outlet for a surprisingly long time. Although trying
to introduce, without much success, elements of BDSM into my relationships, I did not visit a
Dominatrix until 1994, when I was 43. That was the beginning of a quite extensive exploration
of UK pro-dommes. I have lost count of the number of visits to ‘chambers’ I have made. Some of
the sessions were brilliant, others less so. One thing I did find was that when I found a Dominatrix
whom really interested me I would see her 3 or 4 times but then my interest would inevitably wane
and it was off to pastures new. Another trend that emerged, as my experience grew, was that I
became more selective and sought out the more sophisticated Dominatrix. I have some masochistic
tendencies but I am not a pain slut and it was the psychological aspects of BDSM, in particular power
exchange, that really interested me. I also began to discover that Asian Dominatrix seemed to excel
in the areas in which fascinated me and I developed a real rapport with Dominatrix of, for example,
Chinese (HK), Indian and Vietnamese origin.

Alongside sessions, I was also (and continue to be) quite sexually gregarious, having many flings, as
well as uncountable visits to hookers ‘along the way’.

The BDSM scene, like the rest of the world, changed quickly and dramatically as the internet
permeated all our lives. In the past, in keeping with the ‘secretive’ nature of the ‘industry’ getting
in touch with a Dominatrix was mainly via an expensive ‘direct contact’ magazine bought in some
seedy sex shop, and often being low quality, black and white and possibly a photocopy (anyone
remember ‘Dominant Bitch’?). Then suddenly hundreds of Dominatrix were accessible via well
designed and alluring websites with photo galleries, full descriptions of experience, sessions
available etc., etc. From famine to feast! Alongside this development came two new avenues to
explore –distance ‘training’ via e-mail and financial domination. I have immersed myself in both
worlds but my adventures with (sometimes to the outer limits of) financial domination is not
the subject of this article. Perhaps ME will ‘Commission’ that story another time! What e-mail
did permit though, was not just maintaining a relationship with a Dominatrix between sessions,
but also building a relationship without a physical meeting at all. Where I currently live there are
no Dominatrix but I have built a series of on-line relationships. I have, or intend to, meet them
all for real time sessions but in some cases that is merely the ‘icing on the cake’ as I have found
the ‘electronic’ relationship itself is often meaningful and gratifying. My distance communications
are mainly by e-mail but text messages, webcam sessions and phone calls all play a part.

Now it is time to be rather more specific and talk of my relationship with ME. That relationship is
quite new as I first contacted Her just over six months ago now. From the very start I explained to
ME my life was a bit complex and I wanted to be completely open and honest with Her. I have been
simply amazed by what has happened in a brief few months. ME is quite unlike any Dominatrix I
have ever encountered. She is refined, exotic, well educated, a mind as sharp as a razor and has a
brilliant sense of humour and a deep love of life. She is just the sort of extremely good looking young
lady most guys would love to have as a friend let alone a girlfriend! Her uniqueness, though, is that
all the aforementioned qualities are mixed with something that is really quite rare – a genuinely
deeply sadistic nature and an intuitive understanding of the Dominatrix/slave dynamic that is
unsurpassed. What is more, She has been able to completely captivate my imagination and engage
with my submissive nature in a deeper and more meaningful way than anyone I have ever
encountered, and that is without actually having met Her! Of course as ME has ‘commissioned’ this
article I am not going to bad-mouth Her, but remember the ‘foundation’ of my relationship with Her
is complete honesty and openness, and that extends to what I write here. There is also a rather hard
to describe aspect to my communications with ME that I have also found to be unique. It has been
my experience that Dominatrix, to a greater or lesser extent, are playing a ‘role’, even the so-
called ‘lifestyle’ Dominatrix. That can be limiting, and at times tiresome. I do not, however, get that
feeling with ME at all. It seems to me She is merely being herself, and that permits a freshness and
lightness that as welcome as a summer breeze on a hot day. It has made my interaction with Her
exciting, stimulating and downright good fun! But read on. If that was all then that would illustrate
what an extremely interesting and absorbing personality ME was, but perhaps little else. The ‘extra’
ingredient is that alongside the ‘normal’ interchange ME has begun to reveal to me Her depth and
power as a Dominatrix. There is a subtle point to be made here. One aspect of ME’s many skills is
that She is really very good indeed in assessing a slave’s level of understanding and degree of
development. I am at a certain place in my life and ME very quickly ‘tuned into’ that and is drawing
out the full potential I offer, both for Her own use and for my ‘education’. There are aspects of our

relationship I am not going to discuss both because they are too personal, and also because it may
give the wrong impression. What might be manna from heaven for me, may send another potential
slave (quite unnecessarily) running for cover!

I am going to finish this article by addressing the question of how I reconcile the different aspects
of my life – the face I present to the world, and my secret submissive side. To be completely honest
there is some conflict, some element of what could be described as the equivalent of being a ‘closet
gay’. However it is not, and has never been, a major problem or issue for me. Over the years I have
learned a little about myself. In the past I made really sincere efforts to change, to become a ‘good’
person and that meant, amongst other things, attempting to deny my sexuality. Such attempts were
doomed to failure from the start and as I realised the futility of that approach I began, in earnest,
the journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Yes, there are aspects of my personality that really
are not nice at all. I have a lovely wife; yet lead a secret life of which she knows nothing and which
would be devastating for her if she found out. In describing the process of individuation, the journey
to psychic wholeness, Jung both wrote much and personally explored what he called the shadow
side of the psyche. That aspect of our being truly does contain dark and frightening elements but it
is only by bringing them into the light of consciousness that they can be dealt with and, like noises
in the night, the monster often is in fact no more than the wind blowing twigs against the window
pane. My journey is not complete, far from it, but I am no longer ashamed of whom I am or what
I do. I am being true to myself and in doing so, serving Dominatrix, serving ME, is an essential part
of my journey and growth. Young in years ME is old far beyond her years when it comes to wisdom
and intuition. It is a very rare thing indeed to meet a wise being whom is also so good looking, wild,
impulsive, great fun and oh in some ways, so very deliciously dangerous!

I know one day soon I am going to meet ME face to face. I know She intends, when W/we do meet,
to put me through some fairly (ok, in Her own words, extremely) serious humiliation. Scared? A little.
Excited? Oh yes, very!

Friday 9 December 2011

Group Ballbusting & Forced Fem by Rod

I was busy at work preparing for a meeting when I got an external call. “Hi, it’s me”. I recognised the voice as that of the beautiful Empress and assumed she wanted to confirm the evening’s appointment. “Hi, still on for this evening?” I asked. “Yes, but when you arrive you are to be wearing a white frilly lacy pair of bikini briefs. And bring an expensive bottle of champagne. Don’t let me down”. “Yes off course” I answered.
That was my lunchtime sorted then. Out to Hackney to do some shopping. I had bought woman’s underwear before and it was always embarrassing. In Hackney there was a real risk of running into someone from work. I thought M&S was the best choice. I went into the store and had a look round and there was no one I recognised. I located the lingerie section which had a number of women browsing. I casually walked over and tried my best to look inconspicuous as I looked for the required item. I saw some white lacy frilly numbers and quickly tried to find a pair of suitable size. As always I didn’t look around – no doubt people would be wandering what I was doing, but I didn’t want to look them in the eye. I found a pair which looked about right and quickly grabbed it and tried to hide it as best I could as I walked away. I then remembered the champagne.
I had a heart attack as Simon from work waved at me and came over. Had he seen me with the panties? I scrunched them up into my hand. “Unlike you to be out at lunchtime”. “I am buying a bottle of champagne for the wife, it’s her birthday” I lied. “Right, ok “ he said and left me to it. I bought the most expensive bottle available – the least that my Mistress deserves. I queued at the checkout, looking at the various assistants and wandered which one would be best. I ended up with a middle aged plump black lady and I quickly put the items on the counter. She saw the panties and looked at me. She made a point of holding them up high before folding them and winked at me as she put them in a bag. I went bright red.
When I got to the office I went into the men’s and put on the panties. They were not a bad fit. I was very conscious of them the whole afternoon and it made me look forward to the session even more. I left the office at 4.00 and headed to Kings Cross station and headed to my Mistress’ premises.
I pressed the buzzer and opened the door when I heard the bzzzzzz. I went up to the door and she was waiting for me as always. “Come in” she whispered. I went into the main room and her two friends were there. “You remember Dee and Cathryn don’t you? They were asking me about that loser they met the other day at Cecconi’s and wanted to see for themselves how low you will go. You will also do exactly as they instruct. Don’t disappoint me slave”. “Hi I said”.
“Right slave, strip to your panties”. I did as I was told and the circumstances gave me a hard on. The three girls laughed. “I told you he was tiny” said my Mistress. “I do feel sorry for his wife, especially as he is a premature ejaculator”. Dee said that she once had a boyfriend who was as small as me, but she soon got rid of him as he was useless. “That belly of his is disgusting as well” piped Cathryn.
“Make yourself useful and pour us some champagne” ordered Mistress. I did as ordered and managed to avoid my usual clumsiness. “Go to the fridge and find a glass of something special for you slave”. I knew what I would find and was not disappointed. “Girls, this is slavey’s favourite drink, isn’t it? Tell them what it is”. I explained it was Mistress’ golden nector and that it was my favourite drink and I was lucky to receive such an offering.
Cathryn looked amazed at this and said that she wanted to film this. “Repeat what you just said and drink it in 10 seconds”. She filmed me explaining I was drinking my favourite drink and started to consume. As always despite it being Mistress’ special nector my body didn’t always react to well to its consumption and it took me a little while to finish.
“Oh dear slave, you have let me down – again. Not a big surprise, though is it? You are useless”. “What punishment should we give him girls?” “I’m not sure what we could do to top that” said Dee. Cathryn said it would be really funny to make me walk around the block in my panties. This thought horrified me and I thought surely they would not make me do that. Mistress came to my rescue and said that even for me this was to extreme. “A good ball kicking will be appropriate. He really doesn’t like this”. Right slave, spread those legs and don’t you dare move”. I did as instructed and waited nervously. Mistress drew back her leg and fainted a kick. I couldn’t help but to flinch much to the girls amusement. “He really is truly pathetic. Hold his legs”. Her leg flicked forwarded and connected with my genitals. I closed my legs as much as I could, but it was still a good blow and caused me to double up and cry out with pain. “Your turn girls”. They took it in turn to kick me. Cathryn seemed fearful of hurting me and her blows were not to bad, but Dee did not show much restraint and enjoyed making me double up in agony.
A short while later the buzzer went. Ahh, that must be no 2. Remember him slave?
“Yes” I replied, fearful of where this would lead to. “Cathryn and Dee liked the idea of watching you in action with another slave, and I thought why not. Hopefully you will perform a bit better this time”.

Cuckold Toilet Slave by Rod

Be Careful what you Wish for

It all started one beautiful summer’s day when Ruby and I had decided to have a picnic in the park to enjoy the sunshine. As usual I got up early and went to the supermarket to buy the items for the picnic and got it ready. When I got back Ruby woke up and told me to make the coffees which I did before we headed out.

We got to the park and found a quiet spot. Ruby stripped down to her bikini and looked absolutely stunning as always. Lovely long toned legs, well shaped medium sized breast and a sensational arse. I knew every guy would be jealous of me as they no doubt would discreetly ogle Ruby. This thought was enough to get me excited and I quickly turned onto my front to hide my erection.

I must have dozed off for an hour or two. When I woke up the park was fuller and I noticed Ruby was sitting up looking at a group off guys playing football nearby. She seemed to be having a good look – they were all topless and looked fit and muscular. Understandable that she would prefer admiring their fit physiques than my slight beer belly and chicken arms.

“Like what you see?” I asked. She hadn’t noticed that I had woken up and my question surprised her a bit. “Yes, they are rather nice to look at” she replied with a smile. I admitted her ogling other men turned me on.

That evening we had what I thought was great sex. Afterwards I jokingly said “I bet you’d prefer it if it had been one of the boys at the park shagging you”. She then said that actually yes, it would have been nice, especially as their cocks would certainly be bigger than mine and that she found my cock a bit of a disappointment.. Her openness did shock me. She had mentioned the smallness of my dick before, and once when drunk she had measured it with a tape measure and phoned a girlfriend to tell her how it was only 4”. I was humiliated but extremely turned on at the same time – in fact I’m sure my little dick increased to four and a quarter inches in excitement.

“The thought turns you on doesn’t it?” I admitted that it did. We then had a good discussion about my submissiveness and I admitted that the thought of being her cuck slave boy was a huge turn on for me.

I thought nothing off it until a few weeks later I was working in my study and she came in wearing sexy black lingerie, which was a very nice surprise. An even bigger surprise was when she handed me a piece of paper and asked me to sign it. She explained that she had been thinking how much fun it would be to try out my cuck slave boy fantasy and said she had written up a contract which would be in place for a one month trial period. She told me to read it through, think about it very carefully and if I was ok with it I should sign the contract. However she warned me that if I agreed she would stick to the contract and ensure she enjoyed all the benefits – I could not pike out once I signed it.

The key contract clauses included the following:

I was to be locked in a chastity device at all times, with Ruby looking after both keys;

I was to do all chores that she demanded;

I was to hand over half my pay packet for the month to ensure she could go out and enjoy herself

I had to accept all punishments she felt I deserved

She could take as many lovers as she wanted during the month.

I would only be let out to cum by a method of her choosing once a week

She left me to think about it and explained that if I signed the contract any minor transgression would increase the time I spent in chastity and a major breach or if I decided I no longer wanted to go through with it she would leave me and get herself a ‘real’ man as I would be of no use to her.

When I finished reading my head was spinning and cock was straining in my pants! Wow, what a huge turn on, but also incredibly scary. I knew straight away I would sign – I had been fantasising about such a scenario for a while now and after all it was only for a month.

I hurriedly signed and handed over the contract. “Excellent!” said Ruby with a huge grin on her face. “Right, hand it over with the proper demeanour – on your knees, eyes to the floor!” I did as instructed and found her new dominance very exciting. “Now strip” she commanded. I quickly did so and she noticed my little dicklet standing to attention. She pulled out a CB6000 chastity device and it was obvious that even with its small size it would not be possible to lock the device in place in its current state. “We’re going to have to do something about that”. She proceeded to handcuff my wrists behind back and began stroking Mr dicklet. I was soon on the edge and she obviously sensed this for as soon as Mr dicklett started to spurt its disgusting juice (as Ruby called it) she quickly stopped with the result that my cum dribbled out ruining my orgasm, much to Ruby’s amusement. She then locked away my poor little dicklet.”Remember, another week before you get to cum” she grinned.

That evening she gave me a piece of paper with a long list of chores. She told me she was going out with a ‘real man’. Apparently she had been planning this for some time and had been on internet dating sites looking for a suitable fuck buddy. I was wandering if she was serious or just teasing – would she really go through with it? Part of me was excited at the thought.

She went out at around 7.00, dressed in a figure hugging dress looking very sexy. I told her to have a good time and started on the chores. Throughout the evening I kept on wandering how her evening was going. Was she with some young stud? Would they go back to a hotel? Or was she really just out with her friends and just teasing me? I wasn’t sure anymore whether I really wanted her to have a fuck buddy.

I finished my chores at around 11.00 and watched TV whilst waiting Ruby’s return. I heard the car on the driveway around midnight. I heard Ruby laughing and then heard a male voice! Now my heart was beating faster.

The door opened and in walked Ruby with a tall, athletic dark haired man, aged around 25. She introduced him as Dave. “I’ve told Dave all about you and he is cool with it. You’ll be a slave to both of us tonight. Now turn the TV off and get us both a drink. I’ll have a white wine”. Dave asked for a beer. I went to the kitchen and poured the drinks. When I got back they were both on the couch making out. Interestingly little dicklet was straining against the CB6000 and I was very turned on watching Ruby with another bloke. Next thing I knew Ruby had undone Dave’s fly and was clearly stroking his cock. She brought it out and it must have been at least seven inches. “I see you weren’t joking Dave. Salve, this is what a real cock looks like. I’m going to enjoy having this inside me. Now you stay here whilst we go upstairs, We’ll call you if we need you”.

I sat in the lounge and could clearly hear they were having a good time upstairs. I was now really really turned on and desperately wanted to cum, but off course this wasn’t possible. After about an hour I heard footsteps on the stairs. Ruby came down, naked looking gorgeous. “Dave’s staying the night. He has to leave by seven so please bring up breakfast at 6.30 – two white coffees, two orange juices and four pieces of toast with scrambled eggs. You’re sleeping down here tonight.

I didn’t sleep well that night. I discovered the couch isn’t particularly comfortable and I couldn’t stop thinking about Ruby being upstairs with ‘Dave’. I was woken up by noises coming from upstairs – it was clear Dave was giving Ruby a good pounding. He did seem to be able to last a good time and I could tell by Ruby was clearly enjoying herself. For some reason again I was hugely turned on by this – I had a desperate need to cum, which I know always increases my submissiveness.

My watch read 6.00, so I got up to make breakfast. I walked nervously up the stairs carrying their breakfasts on a tray. At least it had gone quiet so I knocked on the door. “Come in slave boy” laughed my wife. I opened the door to see them both sitting up in bed, with Ruby’s beautiful breasts exposed. “He really is a pathetic bitch isn’t he”? said Dave. I went bright red as I handed them the tray. “I would really like to see this cock cage – I can’t believe a man would let himself be locked up like that”. “You heard him slavey, strip for us and show Dave”. I did as I was ordered and walked over to Dave’s side of the bed so he could have a good look. “unbelievable” was all he could say. “Darling, how about you look after the key – that way you’ll know slave boy doesn’t get to touch me with his dicklet” said Ruby to Dave, and handed him the key. This I hadn’t expected – he might never let me out.

“Right Dave said, I’ve got to go so I had better have a shower” and he walked into the ensuite.. “Slaveboy must be a bit hungry and I’ve got just the thing” said Ruby. “Get down between my legs and clean me out”. I just looked at her in shock. I love going down on ruby, but the thought of eating Dave’s cum did not appeal. “Now!” ordered Ruby. I got under the covers and she opened her legs for me. I got to work on her beautiful pussy. “Eat it all up boy”. I could taste the cum and it wasn’t too bad. It was always nice to serve Ruby in this way. Ruby was clearly enjoying it as well. I was absorbed in my task when I heard Dave yell from the ensuite – “there’s no toilet paper!”

“slavey, you haven’t been doing your jobs – you know you should always keep the bathrooms stocked up – there’s only one thing for it”. “It’s ok Dave, slaveboy here will clean you up!”. “Ok, get in here boy, I don’t have much time”. I couldn’t believe this, but now I was truly broken and would do anything, no matter how degrading.

I walked into the ensuite and saw Dave on the loo. He stood up and bent down with his arse pointed towards my face. “Get down hers and clean me up – I want it totally clean or you’ll never get to cum ever again”.

I kneeled down and put my face towards his hairy arse. It was clear I would have to prise his cheeks apart with my hands which I did gingerly. There was his brown poo hole and I could see small bits of shit sticking to it. The smell was very off putting as well. “Hurry up boy, I don’t have much time!” I decided to go for the biggest bit and put my lips around it and put it into my mouth. It was truly disgusting. I swallowed it straight down and gagged. “Come on boy!” I got the rest and licked his anus clean. “Get your tongue right in their boy – you haven’t finished yet”. I did as I was told and tried to prise his hole as wide as possible and put my tongue up there which was truly disgusting. I then heard a ‘click’ behind me and there was a flash of light. I knew Ruby had taken a picture. “Turn round and show your face” I turned round and the camera flashed again. “Now you’d better behave yourself hadn’t you, or you never know who might see these pictures”.

After Dave had gone Ruby and I had a chat. Ruby said how much she enjoyed this new arrangement – it was a lot better than she expected. I had to confess that I actually liked it as well and this was clearly my true station in life, a cuckboy toilet slave.

A Drink With Modern Empress by Rod

I picked up the external call “Hello Rod speaking” .

“Hi,it’s me” answered a female voice. “Hi” I replied – the sexy voice sounded like it was the Empress, but best to be careful just in case it was my wife. “ Ready for tonight?” I guess it was the Empress. “Yes I’m looking forward to it as always”.

“Good. Now I have some instructions for you. Before you leave the office I want you to put on the bra and panties I told you to bring. Meet me at the Pitcher and Piano at 6.00. Also when I arrive I want you sitting at a table drinking a daiquiri, reading a copy of playgirl in plain view. You got that?” “Yes Empress” I gulped. “So what magazine will you be reading?” “Playgirl“ I mumbled softly. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that”. I looked over nervously at my work colleague sitting next to me. She seemed to be engrossed in her work. “Playgirl” I mumbled slightly louder. The Empress laughed. “I guess that will have to do. Don’t be late”

At 5.00 I packed up and went to the loo. I got into the cubicle and got undressed as quietly as I could – even though I knew no one could see me I was still nervous. Once undressed I put on the purple panties and then the white bra. At least the bra was white I thought, though I hadn’t been able to find a bra that was big enough and so it was a little tight. Unfortunately I had chosen to put on a white shirt that day. Once my shirt and trousers were on I looked in the mirror. I could definitely see the bra underneath. However being winter I put on my jacket followed by my coat and there was no way anyone could see the bra underneath.

I made my way to Liverpool Street and looked for a newsagent in the station. I walked in nervously, and went to the magazine section. I pretended to be looking at a business magazine, but surreptitiously glanced up at the top shelf. There were various girly magazines, and right at the end was a copy of Playgirl with a broad naked chested hunk on the front cover. I had a quick glance round at all of the smartly dressed office workers and when I thought no one was looking I quickly grabbed the magazine and rolled it up before taking it to the counter. The server was a young Indian bloke. Just as I got to be served a middle aged woman got behind me in the queue. This was embarrassing. I quickly handed over the magazine. “That’ll be £8.99 please” he said with a smile. I went bright red as I paid. He took an age to put the magazine in a brown paper bag and I hurriedly put it into my bag keeping my head down. That was really embarrassing and I could feel the tightness of the bra which for some reason added to my embarrassment, though rationally I knew no one could know.

I went to the pub and ordered my daiquiri. Hopefully the barman thought I was ordering it for someone else. I was tempted to find a table in a corner, but I knew the Empress would not approve and no doubt inflict even worse humiliation. I therefore found a table reasonably in the open, but where I did not expect to many people to walk past. I took off my coat and sat down, ensuring my jacket fully covered my chest. I pulled the magazine out of the paper bag and flicked through the pages until I found a double page spread which had no incriminating pictures. This was not too bad.

Shortly afterwards the Empress walked in and sat down opposite me. We said hello and she had a quick look at the magazine. She then returned it to me, leaving it open in front of me on a double spread page of a completely naked well hung stud. I knew better than to close it and hoped not many people would walk past. It did not seem so bad with the Empress sitting at the table. She than asked me to open my jacket, which I did. She laughed when she clearly saw the bra underneath. “Right, now take your jacket off and get me kir Royale”. I immediately went bright red at this. This would be totally humiliating and embarrassing. The strange thing was although the thought was totally embarrassing it also gave me a huge erection at the same time.

“I’m waiting” she said. “You’re getting off lightly. I could make you do far worse things. You don’t want to disobey me”. I knew not to argue and stood up. Luckily there was no one at the bar and I quickly took my jacket off and strode to the bar, hoping no one would notice either my bra or my erection. “Yes please?” asked the bar man. I nervously asked for a Kir Royale. I could see a smirk on his face as he looked at my chest. This was REALLY embarrassing and humiliating. After paying him I hurried back to the table, walking past a group of young girls on the way. I am sure they were staring at me as they started giggling.

Humiliation As A Way Of Life by P


Ted parks his car outside his home on Thursday evening after a hard day in the office. He’s late and as he approaches the front door, it dawns on him that he forgot to warn Mandy, his girlfriend, that he’d be working late. “Oh well…”, he says to himself , “I’m sure she’ll understand.”. Ted and Mandy have been going out, on and off, for about a year and they recently moved in together.

As he opens the front door, he calls, “Honey, I’m home!”. He’s eager to see his beautiful girlfriend and enjoy the remainder of the evening. There’s no response though and Ted is a bit puzzled. The lights are on in the house so there must be someone in and there’s the soft sound of the TV emanating from the living room. “Ahh, she mustn’t have heard me”, Ted thinks as he takes his coat off, hangs it up and removes his outdoor shoes.

Ted rushes over to the living room, opens the door and warmly says, “Hello dear”. Mandy takes her time to gather the remote the control, turn off the TV and then looks over at Ted. She looks very pissed off and Ted’s heart sinks, “Bollocks… what have I done now?!” Mandy definitely wears the trousers in this household and although she is used to Ted’s various mistakes, she’s never been this angry before. Ted immediately starts to apologise about being late but Mandy cuts him up and orders him to sit down. Mandy can be dominating and sometimes ferocious when angry and Ted has learned to cope with this.

Ted sits down on the couch, rattling his brain about what other misdemeanours he might have done. Mandy angrily says, “So Ted, who’s birthday is it today?!” Ted can’t believe he forgot and apologises, “I’m so sorry dear… I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” Mandy replies sternly, “I’ll make sure you do so you’ll never make the same mistake again!”. Mandy walks out of the living room, “But that’s not all Ted… stay there!”.

As Mandy returns, she carries a few pairs of stiletto heels, tights and some cord and Ted immediately blushes and feels embarrassed. She walks over and sits on Teds legs… he’s trapped in place and quite nervous too. “These aren’t mine Ted and I found them in our bedroom… so who else are you seeing, you cheating bastard!!!!” She takes one of the heels and slaps Ted across the face with it… it stings and leaves a red mark on Ted’s cheek. Ted tries to compose himself, not expecting to have to explain himself tonight and finding it hard to disclose a secret part of his life. Mandy slaps Ted on the other cheek with the heel and grabs his hair back, “Come on you bastard, tell me!!”.

Ted now under pressure blurts he isn’t seeing anyone else and reluctantly explains they are his heels. Mandy pretends to not understand and makes Ted explain in a humiliating way, how he got them and what he likes to do with the heels and tights. Now quite relieved but still pissed off, Mandy exclaims, “So you’re a slutty bitch then Ted?!” Ted doesn’t know what to say. “Well, you owe me big time now! To make it up to me my bitch, you’ll have to do exactly as I order until Saturday night. 2 long days and nights…. this isn’t going to be easy for you!” Mandy grins, knowing what fun she’ll have with Ted.

First night

Mandy first orders Ted to strip naked. He looks nervous and exposed, unsure what he’ll have to endure. As he stands in the middle of the living room, Mandy walks around him, explaining the rules she is making up for him.

“I’m going to make your life really tough bitch so you’d better be prepared!”

“Rule 1 … I own you and you must always do what I say.”

“Rule 2 … You are not allowed to touch or excite yourself unless I instruct you.”

“Rule 3 … You must always call me Maam, even out in public.”

“Rule 4 … In my presence, you must always look down, below my eye level, and when walking together you must always be behind me.”

“Rule 5 … When you are not in my presence, I’ll give you instructions by text. You must respond within 5 mins. If I ask you to do a task, then I want you to record some evidence of you doing it… photo, video, sound recording.”

Mandy gently caresses Ted’s body with her fingers, teasing him and asks “Understand?”.

Ted responses nervously, “Yes, Maam.”

“Good!” says Mandy. She takes the cord and wraps it around Ted’s limp cock, extending around his balls, and then ties it tight. “This is your cock leash bitch. It’s not going to come off until we’re finished and I’m sure it’ll ache whenever you get excited. It’s long enough for me to control you too!” Mandy yanks the cord and Ted immediately gasps, “Oww”. “Yes, your cock is now mine bitch!”, Mandy laughs.

“Now, put on your tights and heels and let me see how stupid you look!” Mandy has fun pulling on the cord every now and then, making the act of getting dressed all the more difficult. Ted finally manages to put on the tights and heels and feels rather humiliated being seen like this for the first time. Mandy makes the most of this moment by asking Ted how he feels and whether he’d rather be a slutty bitch all the time. She makes him walk around like a model, dance around like a fool, gyrate suggestively and say humiliating things.

“Good bitch… this is so much fun and only the beginning!”

Mandy pulls on the leash to bring Ted closer. She looks at his cock and sees it’s quite excited… she caresses the balls, “Poor bitch… does it ache at all?” She rubs his cock a bit to make it harder and then slaps it with her hand. “Don’t get too excited bitch… you only cum when I want you to!”

It’s quite late and Mandy decides to continue the fun tomorrow. Ted is told he will wear the tights nonstop and the heels whenever he’s in the house. He is made to sleep on the floor at the bottom of the bed whilst Mandy sleeps in comfort. Ted doesn’t sleep particularly well, it’s uncomfortable on the floor and he feels horny but unsatisfied. What on earth will tomorrow bring?!

Next day

Ted is woken up abruptly at 6am by Mandy pulling his cock leash. She is grinning and asks whether he slept well. “Not at all!”, Ted replies. Feeling quite exhausted, having had about 6 hours of restless sleep, he stands up and fully remembers the situation he’s in, quickly adding “Maam” to appease Mandy. “Glad you remember the rules!”, Mandy quips.

She instructs Ted to make breakfast in bed for her. “A nice glass of orange juice, fresh coffee, a couple of croissants and some grapes!” Just as Ted heads out of the bedroom, she calls, “And I want you to wear my pink pinny!” Ted returns about 10 mins later with everything prepared neatly on a tray and places it gently on the bed. “How nice of you!” Mandy says, “Oh, and pink suits you wonderfully! Now kneel down on the floor like a good boi!” Ted feels like a complete idiot but wants to please Mandy so she’ll forgive him for yesterday.

Mandy enjoys eating her breakfast in the comfort of the bed and occasionally throws some scraps of food on to the floor. Ted is allowed to eat the scraps but can only eat them straight off the floor… he feels so low eating his breakfast this way. Mandy orders Ted over to the bed, “Come here, you need some liquid to go with your breakfast!” Ted is told to open his mouth. Mandy takes a sip of orange juice, moves her head towards his, aims and spits it into his mouth. “Mmmmm… so nice…”, Mandy chuckles, “make sure you swallow it all!” and then gently slaps him across the face. She continues to make sure Ted’s thirst is quenched. He feels so submissive now, completely under Mandy’s control and is accepting he’ll have to endure a lot to please her!

Ted is made to clear up after breakfast and they both get dressed for work. Mandy prepares Ted for the day, tying the loose end of his leash around his neck and writing “Mandy’s BITCH” with permanent marker on his chest. Ted wears his usual shirt, tie and trousers but is told to not wear any boxers or socks. His cock and arse feel a bit more airy inside the trousers and he realises his tights will be visible at his ankles as he walks around today. Mandy dresses up in her sexiest office outfit, a stunning designer suit, black pantyhose and black patent stilettos. As soon as Ted sees Mandy he’s turned on and can’t stop thinking of her but feels a mix of emotions as his cock leash tightens and it starts to ache. Ted needs to leave for work and Mandy wishes Ted a lovely day, with a wry smile, gently rubs his cock and kisses him on the cheek.

It’s a tough morning for Ted, he tries to stay at his cubicle, constantly aware his tights might show and feeling very uncomfortable with his cock leash. Shortly before lunch, he receives a text from Mandy and hesitates to read it.

“Hello my dear bitch. I want you to go out to the grocery shop and buy a carrot, then go to the toilet and strip naked for me… send me a pic when you’re done.”

Ted does as he’s instructed and hurries to the toilet.. starting to get the gist of today’s task. He receives another text.

“Good! Now all good bitches like a big cock... so suck that carrot like it’s a big cock and send me a video of you doing it!”

Ted feels so self-conscious and humiliated as he sucks the carrot… as people enter and leave the toilets, he flinches and feels his heart beating fast. Another text arrives.

“Good bitch… now take off your tights, wash them in the toilet as you flush it and put them back on! Then take that carrot of yours and stick it up your arse bitch! It’s to stay there all afternoon! Pics as proof please!”

Ted and Mandy had role-played sexually before but this was far beyond anything they’d done before. Ted was quite kinky, loved high heels, mild domination and secretly liked being submissive… Mandy was pushing Ted completely outside his comfort zone and although Ted found it all so humiliating and different, he enjoyed being submitted and controlled this way.

He did as Mandy instructed… the tights were so cold and wet around his legs, the carrot felt so tight around his virgin arse… leaving him uncomfortable and humiliated all afternoon. Ted found it hard to get any work done and let work at 5pm on the dot, eager to get home to relieve himself of this task. He was sure some people could see his tights as he walked in a slightly odd fashion to his car.

When Ted arrived home, Mandy greeted him at the door and knowingly asked, “How was your day my bitch?!”. “Not what I expected!” exclaimed Ted. “Well, we have plenty more fun for this evening… I have a friend coming round who I’d like you to meet. She’s eager to see what you’re like.” Ted groans a little, realising he’s going to have a lot more attention this evening. Mandy allows Ted inside the house and immediately instructs him to take his clothes off and put his heels on. He stands uncomfortably and Mandy spanks his arse hard causing Ted to gasp. She removes the cock leash from his neck and swings it around a bit.

“So, how’s the carrot, bitch?” inquires Mandy. Ted explains how tight it is and he is instructed to remove it. Mandy says, “Oooh, it’s quite big and covered in some of your shit! Let me see you suck that like a cock again and this time, groan like you’re really hungry for it! You did make me laugh at work earlier!” Mandy humiliates Ted as he sucks the carrot clean, pulling on the leash when he starts to falter… he finds it so dirty and disgusting. When finished, Mandy goes up to him, “Good boi!”, slaps him gently on each cheek and tells him to eat the carrot for dinner and find a sexy dress to wear for later.

Second night

A bit later in the evening, Mandy’s friend Sarah arrives and they move into the living room to catch up and gossip. Ted, dressed up in a sexy dress, tights and heels, is keeping his distance by staying up stairs. He feels quite petrified now and hopes that Mandy has had a change of heart. Sarah is a long-time friend of Mandy’s and they’ve known each other since childhood. She’s a party girl and has seen many crazy things over the years, so when Mandy mentions Ted’s secret desires and the predicament he’s in, she’s eager to play along.

Mandy offers Sarah a glass of wine and then calls up to Ted to bring two glasses of white wine to the living room. As Ted goes to prepare the drinks, his heart sinks and he becomes quite nervous. He places the drinks onto a tray and makes his way to the living room. As he opens the door, both Sarah and Mandy look over and Ted blushes with embarrassment. Sarah teases Ted, “Oh, nice to see you again Ted and I love the outfit… you look quite different to normal… is this your new style?!” Ted is stuck for words. He says nothing, carries the tray to the coffee table and offers each glass to Mandy and Sarah. Mandy slaps Ted across the face, “How rude! Say hello to Sarah and answer her question!” Ted hesitates and sheepishly says, “Hello Sarah! Nice to see you again. Yes, this is my new style!”

Mandy explains to Sarah that Ted is her bitch for a couple of days and that it’s punishment for forgetting her birthday. She mentions that Ted is a shoe slut and that she found his collection of heels and tights too! Sarah feigns shock, “That’s disgusting Ted… what a dirty mind you have!” Ted is instructed to remove his dress and Sarah has a laugh at the words written on his chest, ‘Mandy’s BITCH’. Mandy says, “That’s right… he’s my bitch and needs to be abused and punished like the slut he is!” Mandy pulls on Ted’s cock leash and orders him to lie down at their feet.

Mandy and Sarah then stand up, start teasing and humiliating him and prod and gently kick Ted with their heels. Sarah makes Ted worship and clean her heels, telling him how dirty they are and how she wants them like new again. Mandy lightly steps on Ted’s body with her heels, leaving small heel marks on his body and causing Ted to gasp with each step. She teases Ted’s cock with the heel, then pulls the leash while stepping harder on his cock. Ted doesn’t know what to feel… he’s so turned on by the heels but in so much discomfort too.

Sarah’s black office stiletto heels with pointy toes look so sexy … he’s often dreamt about worshiping such a pair; they have a mixed aroma of used sweaty leather and the scent of fresh feet. He worships the heels, licking them clean, kissing the soft leather and taking in the aroma. “That’s it, lick the dirt off, clean the heel too bitch… suck it like a cock”, Sarah instructs. Ted realises how stupid he must look but can’t help but do as he’s told. Mandy has a sexy pair of leopard skin stiletto heels which she uses on Ted… prodding the heel into his body, teasing his nipples, trampling his torso and stepping on his cock. She rubs the sole of her heel against his cock…. making it hard and making Ted so horny. Just as Ted looks like he might cum, Mandy presses the heel hard into his cock and pulls the leash… “No no no…. you don’t get to cum yet bitch!” Ted feels so sexually frustrated and desperately wants to orgasm.

Mandy and Sarah continue to have fun with Ted, making him worship their feet, their arse, whilst teasing and humiliating him the whole time. Once they tire of the attention, Mandy instructs Ted to fetch another of his pair of heels and a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He rushes upstairs quickly to fetch the items and hands them over. Mandy takes one of the heels and uses the end of the leash to tie it tight to his body, covering his cock and balls so they’re inaccessible. “Lie on the floor and let me see you fuck your heel”, Mandy orders. They both laugh as Ted tries to hump the heel, looking so horny and frustrated there’s not enough grip on his cock to allow him to cum. “Ooooh… my poor bitch, what a shame! Better put on the shorts and t-shirt then!”

Ted looks quite bizarre, wearing heels and tights under the shorts, with an obvious bulge where the heel is tied tight. Ted has no idea what to expect but Mandy has a great idea to humiliate him further. She takes delight in telling Ted he needs to go outside like that and drive to the local sex shop. When he arrives, he should tell the shop assistant that he wants to buy a butt plug for himself. Ted can’t believe what he has to do but is pushed by Sarah and Mandy out of the front door.

Standing outside the front door, Ted is so scared, each step he makes results in a loud click that his stiletto heels make against the ground. He decides to make a dash for it and rushes to his car. Once inside the car, his heart is beating like crazy and he looks around to see if anyone saw him… “phew”, it’s dark and no-one seems to be around. He drives to the local sex shop and parks right outside the entrance. Feeling completely humiliated, he dashes in and is somewhat relieved that only the shop assistant is inside. “Fucking hell man, do you normally go out like this?!” asks the assistant and Ted replies “Heh, not usually!” Ted then, feeling full of shame, asks to purchase a butt plug. The shop assistant raises his eyebrows and points to a selection in a corner of the shop. There’s a huge selection of various sizes, some impossibly large ones through to a more reasonable sizes. Ted purchases a small butt plug, still large in his opinion, and returns home.

Ted experiences a similarly arduous trip back home, where Mandy greats him and is eager to hear about it all. Sarah had already left but Mandy informs him that she’ll hear all about it at lunch tomorrow! “We haven’t finished yet! Your arse needs some attention now bitch!” informs Mandy. She pushes Ted back into the living room and orders him to remove the t-shirt and shorts again. Mandy is determined to twist what Ted desires against him. “Good”, says Mandy, “Glad to see everything is still in its place! Now take your remaining heel you left earlier, stick that heel in your arse hole and sit on the chair!” Ted pushes the heel inside, it’s painful around his arse hole and hurts as he places his weight down when sits. “Mmmm… guess you don’t like heels as much now!” as Mandy stands in front of him and teases his nipples. “I want you to jump now bitch… jump up and down... fuck that heel for 5 minutes… I’m counting!!! This is what shoe sluts deserve!” Mandy goads him on, his arse getting sorer and sorer.

By the end of the 5 minutes, Ted looks completely exhausted and Mandy decides it’s time for bed. Ted is made to remove the heel, lick it clean and then Mandy ties it around his face so his mouth and nose are fully inside the shoe. She takes the butt plug that Ted bought, makes him insert it into his arse and then takes him up to his place at the floor by the bed. Ted feels completely fucked and humiliated… in a really uncomfortable state, he wish Mandy a good night and tries to get some sleep.

Second day

After another poor night’s sleep, Ted wakes up a bit later than usual to find Mandy already up and dressed. Mandy is feeling quite horny now and sits seductively on the bed. “Take the heel off your face bitch… I have a job for you now!” Mandy makes Ted kiss her all over her body, massage every muscle and caress her soft skin. He is made to play with his tongue against her body… teasing her nipples and then making his way down to her muff, licking her out until she orgasms multiple times. As she relaxes in the afterglow, she whispers, “I’m glad you still have a use bitch!”

Ted gets dressed, again with no pants or socks, still with the butt plug in his arse and the shoe around his cock. They both relax a bit in front of the TV before lunch and then get ready to head out. Ted feels uncomfortable, his trousers too small and the bulge protruding from his groin, and takes a jacket with him to cover himself up when he’s out. Mandy drives them both to a quiet restaurant where they are to meet up with Sarah again.

On arriving, they greet Sarah and are seated at a pleasant table near one of the walkthroughs. Mandy instructs Ted to remove his jacket and shoes… again he feels humiliated, the tights on his feet are obvious to anyone passing. Sarah notices Ted’s feeling of self-consciousness and teases him, “Don’t worry… it could be worse, we could ask you to worship our heels in public!” Sarah catches up on the events of the last night, laughing at Ted’s misfortune and teasing him about it all.

The waitress comes over to take the order. Salad and a glass of white wine for each of them… but no salad dressing required for Ted’s salad. As they wait for their meal, Mandy instructs Ted that she’d like him to go to toilet soon and wank into a small container she hands him, “Put it in your pocket for the time being. I know how desperate you are to finally cum, especially after the last couple of days! Anyway, you’ll know shortly when to go!” The waitress finally arrives the glasses of wine and the salads and wishes everyone a lovely meal. As the waitress turns away, Mandy subtly knocks over Ted’s drink so that is goes all over his part of the table and overflows onto his trousers. Sarah says loudly, “Ohhh… you idiot Ted!!!” and Mandy follows with “Gawd… can’t we take you anywhere! Clean yourself up!”

Ted is horrified and can’t believe what has happened… it’s the worse situation ever. The restaurant’s patrons look over to see what is going on and he’s the centre of attention. His trousers are wet from the wine in the area where he has his bulge. He doesn’t want to stand up otherwise he’ll be completely humiliated but the waitress tells him there are some towels in the toilet he can use. Ted stands up, the waitress does a double take of his wet trousers, obviously a bit puzzled by the sight, and dashes completely humiliated to the toilets with his tights in full display on this feet. “Fuck!” says Ted as he closes the door to one of the toilet cubicles.

Ted tries to compose himself and realises he can finally pleasure himself. He grabs his cock from underneath the heel and starts wanking… enjoying the pleasure and trying to ignore the aching pain of the leash. As he gets close to climax, he readies the container Mandy gave and suddenly feels his arse hole tighten so much. “Oooowwwww”… Ted feels the wonderful pleasure of his orgasm… but then each wave of the orgasm causes his arse to tighten so tight, he can’t believe the intense feelings of pleasure and pain. Once he calms down, he freshens himself up, dries his wet trousers and returns to the table, trying to ignore any looks he gets on this way.

Sarah grins and says, “Welcome back bitch! Now take your cum and pour it over your salad… it should make a nice dressing!” Ted replied, “Wow, when I said I’d do anything for you Mandy, I didn’t expect the last couple of days!” Mandy responds, “Well, it’s all our little secret now! You’re forgiven by the way, but I want you to eat all your salad!”

Mistress The Pimp by WM

That feeling when a hard rubber cock enters your arse for the first time, is hard to describe. A deep warm, electric feeling boring inside. Physically, a culmination of a month or so of training with various butt plugs and months of psychological training from Mistress. The physical sensation whilst incredible was an absolute second to the torrent and tumult of emotions raging inside my quivering body. This is the ultimate in submission to my mistress, my Empress, my Owner, so many fetish firsts have fallen with her over the last year that having my anal virginity taken by her seems right and is the logical step in her use of me. Her capitalisation of me, if you like. For although this union between slave and owner has been sensual and orgasmic and about trust and furthering the bonds between us. I know Empress’s over-riding desire is to prepare me for the market.. Capitalisation was certainly the right word.

When I first came to see Mistress I had expressed a desire to learn to love to lick other men’s cum. This wasn’t unusual for her, many submissive men crave the humiliation and the degradation of being made to suck another mans cock, or lick their cum. One Mistress once told me that a sub can never really count themselves as a slave until they have given up their barriers to their owner. So I suggested to my beautiful, jet-black hared Mistress, that maybe licking someone else’s cum, direct from condom to her shoe might be a palatable way to start and then to graduate on, she agreed and said to leave it to her. At this time I didn’t realise the true majesty of Mistress’s plans for me but boy, did she have plans.

The next session we had, I lay below Mistress as she sat imperiously upon a chair above me. Wearing a little summer dress, as beautiful as it was simple and classy, her jet black hair swept luxuriously over shoulders and her glinting eyes a well of elemental power, she pushed her retch-inducingly filthy shoes towards my face. I licked and worshipped every remnant of dog shit and kebab, every cigarette butt from her gorgeous shoes. I writhed with pleasure as she rubbed them mercilessly across my face and nipples. I gasped and begged for more as she kicked me and kicked me and kicked me. She smashed me in the side, in the stomach in the balls. I eagerly sniffed and sucked my own cum from her shoes and felt rightly humbled by the honour of being her kick bag and the privilege of being allowed to pay to clean her shoes. Turning with a smile Mistress retrieved something from a container, facing me she showed me what she held in her now glove shielded hands. A condom filled with the jolly consequence of another mans pleasure. Although slightly alarmed somewhere deep within my psyche, my hard-on was raging, my blood was up and my desperation was to serve. Trapped beneath her shoes I watched and listened silently to her orders. Cum drizzled out of the condom, all over the shiny toe of her shoes, a little on my chin, most down the soles of both of her shoes. Then the shoes were upon my tongue, then pushing, raspingly deep in my mouth as deep as she could push that shoe!

And I tasted it, not another guys cum but the elixir of service and submission to a dominant, naturally incredible woman. I licked and sucked eagerly at every last drop and then afterwards, panting, I responded to mistress’s inquiry with a simple ‘Thank you.’ She then dangled the spent condom before my eyes, inches from my wanton mouth, it glistened with residue, she placed it between my eager lips and instructed me to suck and lick and I sucked everything I could from within, her shoes ground and rasped red crop circles across my naked chest and one pressed and pressured upon my aching penis and balls. I looked past the condom to Mistress’s delighted smile

“Slut” she said, “you are going to be my Slut. You are a filthy, cum loving loser”. And this was the start.

The next session, it was two condoms and the session after a three. Mistress and I no longer communicated about the content of our sessions. I just turned up and obeyed and everything was perfect , as if in seamless synthesis. Her emails were playful and controlling. Teasing and inspiring. All I wanted to do was serve and my boundaries and limits were being broken and stretched with every visit. I called it communion, going for my Holy communion with Mistress. Seeing her, existing as part of her incredible life took on a religious intensity.

A month or so after my original cum guzzling incident I arrived for my session and Mistress, garbed in a gorgeous red knee length dress, handed me a little, Zorro-esque eye mask. I thought I looked dashing, she just laughed and said she’d brand a ‘Z’ on my chest for me with her heel later. Mistress left the room and returned a few minutes later with another man, who was naked but for a hood with eyelets. As soon as he entered I knew what Mistress wanted of me, and got on my knees to obey. Needless as it was but sweet as Mistress is and also due to the pleasure she derives from humiliating me, she still kept up a scathing, humiliating verbal commentary. A flow of orders from her cultured tongue. I listened obeyed and did as she taught me to do. I bought the man to arousal and then I licked and sucked his cock as she ordered. After probably twenty minutes I knew he was going to cum. Mistress knew too.

“Swallow it all slut, then lick it clear” she ordered “take it as deep as you can”, and I did. After the guy had left the room, mistress left me for a minutes with strict instructions not to move, I didn’t. When she returned she manacled my hands and feet and proceeded to scratch deep red, rents into my skin. A complex ‘Z’ I assumed in my agony, trying not to scream or shout. Wow, she’s going deep this time I thought. I realised I had squeezed my eyes shut to somehow ward off the pain.

“Open your eyes Slut” Mistress smirked “and suck my heel”. I opened my eyes and guided my lips to her heel, sucking as required, as lustily as I could as if it would distract from the pain of my chest and stomach. I tasted the dull metallic flavour of blood and looked with horror at my chest. Mistress started laughing deeply and genuinely amusedly. She had scratched ‘Slut’ on my chest and stomach, deep enough that I thought it might give a small scar - the kind that lasts for a half year.

“Relax slut, it’ll go down in a couple of months” she giggled “you’re mine now anyway and I’ve got big plans for you!” I peered up at her eyes, utterly humiliated, “now” she said, placing her heels in my nipples, standing full weight upon me twisting slightly every now and again. “If you’re going to cum then you’ve got 1 min, I’m timing you, if you’re not done by then, then bad luck, I’m going to lunch” With a vicious and skin tearing twist of her heels, she looked at her watch “50 seconds” she looked down smirking. It took another 20, so turned on was I by the utter humiliation and degradation I had experienced at my Owner’s hands. I licked that up too and my new life started.

Mistress began seeing me more often, I was tithing her by now, rather than tributing, but the depth of my submission had altered considerably over the course of a few weeks. Now I would turn up and three sometimes four different men would come for my cock sucking services. I was good and they seemed to enjoy Mistress ordering me around. Some didn’t and she left us alone. Mistress had advertised on a gay website and had offered prices for my services, which undercut everyone else. The novelty value of getting a blow-job from a straight guy induced hundreds to come. She was making a packet and told me so herself. I didn’t do ‘Cum In Mouth’ very often anymore, only when Mistress decided it was OK and with regular customers and boy, were there regulars. Kindly after every session Mistress would let me lick her shoes clean and would take the time to show me her cash and tell me what she was going to do with it. She particularly enjoyed telling me that she was putting my tithe up and that she found it hilarious and very sexy that I was worshipping her with a tithe and then spending 90% of our session time being pimping out for her profit! She was happy and I was happy and in a head-space where only sluts and slaves like me could be. Used, abused perhaps but really rather fulfilled.


And now I was filled with a slight dread as Mistress approached, strap-on secured firmly about her waist, a grin on her face and plain delight in her eyes. This was to be the day that Mistress took my anal virginity. It was an important moment for me. I was giving this woman, this goddess everything of me and she had taken it happily and used it expertly. This was the final frontier of submission for me. I knew also that thereafter I would be feeling many real cocks inside me. A select group of my blowjob regulars were going to be allowed to fuck me too. Mistress had broken me in the gentlest of ways and now I am addicted to serving her and being used for her gain. As she nears I raise my knees above my head and look through my legs at my Goddess’s approach. She pushes the lubricated giant at me. Then I feel a deep warm, electric feeling boring inside me. Physically a culmination of a month or so of training with various butt plugs and months of psychological training from Mistress. The physical sensation whilst incredible was an absolute second to the torrent and tumult of emotions raging inside my quivering body.

Office Blackmail by WM

My phone beeped, it was an internal call. As reached to answer I knew who it would be. My fingers suddenly fumbling I risked a glance across the office and sure enough, she had the phone cradled on her shoulder, her beautiful black hair falling over her shoulder a cold knowing eye arrowing into my heart and her tongue curled seductively, maliciously perhaps, over her ruby red lips.

“Slut, I’m booking my holiday, I’m going to message you my account details. I want you to transfer £500 before 1pm.” The receiver left her ear and her eyes had already returned to her computer monitor. She had uttered that sentence with surety and command. I knew that I could only but obey. It wasn’t blackmail though it surely could have been, with the pictures she had of me licking the shit off her incredible boots the night before, it was an assumed and understood control. A balance between two adults who understood that life in that office would never be the same again and that one, was born to serve and the other to own.

Two weeks previously I had been meandering along through life, happily enough, contented even. Efficient if not occasionally dazzling in the office. A beautiful girlfriend, lusted after by my own friends and others. Cash in the bank with an eye on snow-boarding over Christmas and the New Year. Everything seemed balanced, sure the weather was shitty; raining wet, muddy but as long as you dressed appropriately and didn’t go out expecting a tan... You know what I mean, it was one of those typical British autumn months and the days passed, another day another dollar as they say. Then she had walked through the door. Every man in the office switched from spreadsheet to lips, to arse to legs. As she strode through the office, men gasped silently under their breaths. An exquisite body swayed easily and sexily beneath a light silk dress, perfect legs balanced on sexy stilettos The arse peeked provocatively and seductively from under its silken canopy. Veterans of 30 year marriages, forgot their wives and I lost myself in the creamy allure of her skin and the confidence of her stride. And then my eyes shifted to her shoes again. Patent black stilettos, made not for the office but the bedroom. I tried to quell the urge to stare, to memorise every detail. That little cupboard of filthy fetish urgings and fantasies flew open in my mind and a massive hard-on attacked my fitted Saville-Row trousers. The boss brought her over, her name was Carmen and she would be joining my team. Apparently she had lots of experience and was very persuasive and a great communicator, I’ll bet. She saw my shifty, lustful eyes and understood immediately that I would be putty in her palms, the way most men were. I knew I would too, though my only dream was not fucking the living daylights out of her, but to have her walk across my chest slicing my skin with the heels of her stilettos, using my mouth as an ashtray and making me her bitch. What she saw in my eyes took away any respect she might have held for my position. From the first minute, she was in charge and everyone else knew it. I’d been whooped before I’d even said a word.

The pace of the office that week was relatively frenetic, work was piling in and we all gave as good as we got. My team performed exceptionally as always and Carmen was certainly a part of this. At meetings with my managers, all male and frustrated, all the questions were tactfully about ‘the new girl’ my responses made her out to have been super-woman; she was good but not that good. The big men didn’t care, they liked looking at her through the blinds of their corner offices and would probably have accepted all the positives I extolled as fact ,even if the opposite were true. She was good at her job though , persuasive certainly, apparently dedicated but so, so sexy. She had an incredible wardrobe, not just blouses and dresses but skirts and trousers and of course shoes. Every day a different pair of shoes, immaculate and shiny. Sexy, sexy, sexy. Some mornings she’d saunter past and I would almost fall off my chair straining my neck to see what shoes she was wearing. Everyone must’ve thought I was just looking at her legs, like everyone else. But no, my cupboard was open and all those animalistic, urgent fetishistic urges of mine were swarming like teenage hormones through my body. Sometimes I caught myself trembling in a reverie in front of my computer, sex with my girlfriend had never been so good, I just closed my eyes and thought of Carmen’s feet rubbing against my face, licking the soles of her sexy boots clean, inhaling the heady fragrance of the leather and licking my dripping cum from those beautiful boots. I should’ve seen the signs, it was a feeling like this that had got me into trouble at University.

My study partner Elodie, had always worn the most amazing white leather converse, they were a little ragged, always a little dirty and screamed ’lick me’ Elodie was tall and French and sweet and a lesbian. We used to hit the library together for hours, we were great friends and ‘got’ each other, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the shoes. One afternoon I couldn’t take it anymore, contriving to drop my pen on the floor, I dropped on all fours and scrambled around under the table, Elodie’s legs stretched out before me, bathed in an unlikely ray of sunlight they seemed heaven sent. I lurched my head and pursed lips eagerly towards the grimy soles I could smell the heady odour of leather and rubber and a even a bit of the kebab I had seen her step carelessly in earlier. Centimetres from the target, Elodie’s legs suddenly withdrew and I saw her get up muttering about a bad back. I retrieved my pen and joined her in a stretch.

“Lets get some air” said she and so we did. Far from calming me the injection of oxygen to my brain inspired me more, almost into a panic to do whatever I could to kiss those soles. Soon my whole pencil case, was being knocked and nudged off the table, I would disappear under the table, to a chorus of Elodie’s laughs about how clumsy I was. Each time her feet would be tucked infuriatingly, teasingly beneath her chair and I would appear trembling from the abyss to resume my ‘study’.

“God have you got major DTs today” she remarked. Dts!!! It was the stress and the sheer indescribable desperation to lick the shit off the soles of her converse that was fucking me up. Eventually with the last pen drop of the day I reached by goal. I brushed my lips and tongue across her shoe, catching kebab, dirt and heaven in one slobbery motion, it was over in seconds to stay with me for a lifetime.

Now, looking at Carmen across the office - eyes and cheekbones to die for, hair framing her face like the finest painting, I trembled, but for none of these ‘typical‘ things. It was the bounty of those mud- smudged boots hidden beneath her desk that I longed for and fantasised about. I told myself to be professional, to snap to, to get a grip but nothing seemed to work. My girlfriend was away with mates in Thailand and every evening seemed to be a masturbation marathon of the most deviant and delicious kind. I spent every evening with her boots on my face and digging in my nipples and standing at the ATM with my card in her hand.

It all came to a head, exactly one week ago. Dress down Friday. Male grooming and dress standards in the office had shot up within the space of a week. New shirts from all the best designers clung to gym swelled breasts in every corner in the office. Testosterone hung in the air like mustard gas in the trenches, a leaving do after work promised to be a war-zone. The competitive juices of 25 hungry males, married, coupled and single alike boiled and brewed in the fetid air. Carman was coming later and today she looked HOT. A light, silken blouse caressed her breasts and the tightest of blue jeans clung to her pert, incredible are and long, lithe, legs. Her hair was up, clipped to show off her expensive earrings and her smile said, ‘Sex‘. My eyes as ever ignored these traditional paeans to feminine beauty and fixed deliriously on her feet, clad in slightly worn but aching cool, white leather converse. She noticed my gaze and smiled as she walked past

‘Not really even dress down Friday, I know’ she purred ‘ but they’re just so comfy, I wear them everywhere..’ My mouth was dry, my hands shaky, my face ashen. I felt sick. I stumbled to the toilets and sat for a few minutes in a cubicle to try and regain my composure. The shoes of my dreams were on this most beautiful, sexy and confident of women.

I can’t remember much of that day, I went through it in a trance, I did very little work and had few conversations. I tried to avoid the eyes of my colleagues and forced myself to avoid even the remotest possibility of seeing her shoes, but every time I closed my eyes to blink I saw them. Rubbing against my nipples, pushing the air from my throat, cleansing their dirty soles on my eager tongue. Somehow, it got to 6pm and the office was clearing in the general direction of the pub. I was left finishing off a few bits and pieces and found myself alone in the office. I raced through my work in fifteen minutes trying to think of any excuses to avoid the torment of looking and lusting and not touching. My brain was fucked and I couldn’t think for shit. Just as I was powering down she strode in. She sat down at the desk next to me.

Carmen crossed her legs seductively and smiled. I swivelled around and smiled back, crossing my legs to hide the urgent crease in my loins which greeted proximity to this woman and stirred all my fantasies. Her foot started waggling and moving, her leg also, my eyes were drawn hypnotically to her sexy Converse. They drank in every detail, every smudge, the six eyelets, the way she tied them. My reverie was interrupted by a polite cough. I looked up apologetically, hands trembling, heart beating at twice the safe pace.

“So tell me about your shoe fetish,” she whispered maliciously, “are you a Paypig as well? Or do you just want to worship my shoes licking every inch of them clean with your slutty tongue”. My God, I blinked, I tremored, I gasped; my tongue was cardboard in my mouth. ’Slutty tongue!.. Tell me about your shoe fetish’!!! I groped for air, I looked into her smiling, winning eyes and gave in..

“I feel like I need you to manipulate my shoe fetish- give me verbals and mark my chest lots and lots. I want you to dominate me and make me your slave, I Need to be used Financially and emotionally by you, I need to feel so addicted that my greatest highs are when you are happiest so that my dedication, addiction and thought processes are focused on pleasing you..” I stammered to a halt, gasping for air. She looked at me, initially without emotion and then with a warm, sexy smile.

“I thought something was odd when I first walked in the office and everyone was gaping at my breasts and your jaw was on the floor staring at my feet. I realised a few days later and I’ve been prepping you for this moment ever since. You see, you’re obviously a good guy but at heart you get off on by being treated like a loser and there’s nothing wrong with that,” she added. Some girls really like that; it can be rather beneficial and it certainly turns me on!” Carmen smiled; a Cheshire cat meets super-model smile. Leaning back in her chair she raised both legs and wiggled the soles of her converse invitingly,

“Well loser, what are you waiting for?!!” She giggled as I fell to my knees and devoured the shoes of my dreams. Minutes passed, but after what seemed like seconds of me kissing and licking her sexy shoes, Carmen started pressing them harshly and more vigorously against my face, mixing in the odd kick, it didn’t hurt though, it transmitted as pure pleasure through my body and I was driven wild with desire.

Her voice rippled across my writhing body.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said, you Loser. I promise you, you will be thrilled and scared and you will cry. You can try and be as defiant as you like; defiance is futile, you sit there shaking your head but you know the game is up, you are on your knees” she stated forcefully “It's amazing how docile an ‘alpha male’ gets when he knows he’s been found out as a shoe worshipping slut: I’m going to wrap you around my finger, manipulate your fetish and make you my ATM. You’re gonna buy me tons of shoes and then after I dirty them, you’re going to clean them. Every appraisal of mine will fly through at the top of your team and my bonus will be unquestioned. Now lick every bit of crap of these shoes you vile Cunt and make it quick, we’ve got drinks to go to” And I did, I licked and I sucked and she rubbed them around my face and neck, the whole experience was clearly turning her on as much as me. I finished by lying on my back her soles scraping roughly across my face, my mind oblivious to the horrific marks this would probably be making.

“I’m so fucking horny,” she said, “this makes me so fucking horny Slut” a frisson of ecstasy coursed through me, to my swollen hard-on. She continued “and I’m going to make sure Darren fucks me extra hard tonight.. I wonder if he’ll like the picture I’ve just taken.” I froze unsure whether to be jealous of my hated office competition, registering with shock that she had photographed me lustily, licking her shoes. She stood up placing full weight on my forehead and mouth, splitting my lip and as I was soon to find out branding the criss-cross of a converse scar above my eyebrows. She stepped off with a menacing twist. “I’m going to put some make-up on” she purred, sashaying off to the toilets. “I suggest you deal with your pathetic excuse for a prick,” I looked down at the glowering hard-on, poking through my trousers. Life would never be the same again, I knew it and so did she.

“Hurry up slut” she called; and I obeyed her. It wasn’t blackmail, it was an understanding that some men come to, that they are born to serve and take pleasure in being used and put in their place by a special woman. A woman who requisitely needs to use and torment and manipulate, especially with the most eligible of men. A woman who was born to rule.